" Safeguarding the rights of others is the most noble and
beautiful end of a human being."
-Khalil Gibran
"For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others."
-Nelson Mandela
""The first duty of society is to deliver justice."
-Alexander Hamilton
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Job Vacancy Announcement- Advocate for Sapatari, Siraha, Dhanusha & Kapilbastu districts
Jan 3, 2025 Job Vacancy Announcement Position: Advocate (Co ...Read more
Jul 15, 2024 The Public Defender Society of Nepal (PDS-Nepal) i ...Read more
Request for Proposal (RFP) for Independent Audit Services for UNDP/A2J project
Dec 1, 2023 Request for Proposal (RFP) for Independent Audit S ...Read more
Legal Aid is one the most important factor for a fair, humanitarian and effective criminal justice system based on rule of law. This system acts as a basis for other rights to be used or entertained. The importance and necessity of legal aid has also been highlighted in Article 11 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
In line with the definition of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 20 of the Constitution of Nepal too has guaranteed right to counsel to the accused since his arrest. Similarly, right to free legal aid to the accused in case of his inability to hire a lawyer due to economic reasons has also been guaranteed by the constitution.
PDS-Nepal has been defending the indigent accused since the past seven years. In all these years, PDS-Nepal trained and mentored lawyers to enhance their skills and capacities so as to turn them into local public defenders. ILF-Nepal as per policy is handing over its works and activities to a new organization named Public Defender Society of Nepal which will continue to work with the same policy and agenda. We look forward to serving the indigent accused and wish for support and assistance from our friends and partners.
Hon. Eka Raj Acharya
President (Former Chief Judge, Courts of Appeal)